Where Zakah is to Be Spent
- 17,727
Can he give his zakaah to his married daughter who is poor as her husband is missing?
- 5,567
It is permissible for a person to give his zakaah to a relative on whom he is not obliged to spend
- 19,709
Lending money to a poor person with the intention of getting it back from the people who pay zakah
- 8,231
He is studying abroad and his father is not spending on him; can he take social security?
Can You Give Sadaqah to Siblings?
There is nothing wrong with giving Sadaqah to your sisters and contributing it to household expenses. It is also permissible to give zakah to brothers and sisters if they have debts. It is permissible to give zakah to students of Shari`ah.68,324- 11,204
Can zakaah funds be used to support Qur’aan reciting contests?
- 12,464
Giving zakaah to one who is seeking worldly knowledge
- 9,718
Giving zakaah to students
- 39,604
Can the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) eat from what is given in voluntary charity?
- 43,030
Can zakaah be used for da’wah purposes?