- 14,336
Ruling on taking ribaa from deposit accounts in kaafir banks
- 6,757
What should a person who his father borrowed with interest(Ribba) do
- 7,576
Filling out forms disclosing workers’ salaries at the request of riba-based banks
- 8,764
Delaying repayment of a bank loan so that they will waive the interest
- 7,280
Counterbalancing one another’s interest in the bank
- 43,393
Harmful effects of Riba
- 7,968
Her husband bought a house with riba – can she refuse to live in it?
- 6,472
Obtaining a discount card in return for paying a certain amount
- 34,293
Getting rid of riba by giving it to the poor
- 9,579
Doesn’t want to repay riba but also doesn’t want to give a bad impression