Our father bought the house we
currently live in before I was born. I am now 22yrs. Back then my family were being
evicted from the place they were living in at the time and my father was under pressure to
find my family a place to live. So, he bought a house using a bank mortgage. The mortgage
was interest based as the system is over here in England. About two years after I was
born, my father died and had not finished repaying the bank. The rest of the mortgage was
paid off by my older brother, who was in employment at the time.
Now my worry is if it is permissible for me
to remain living in the house bought by my father and also if any of us can inherit a
share of its money if it were to be sold?
I look forward to the reply.
Seek forgiveness for your father, and your brother has to repent to Allaah. It is OK if you want to live in that house, and to take your share of the price when it is sold.
And Allaah knows best.