- 53,185
Should he use bank interest to pay off taxes?
- 11,702
A company is offering a riba-based loan to its employees
- 22,194
Should he mortgage his house to a non-Islamic bank so that he can buy another house?
- 9,610
He gave his car to someone to sell it and buy a newer model for him. Is this riba?
- 21,633
Putting money in riba-based banks
- 9,848
Ruling on tawarruq involving metals via al-Jazeera Bank
- 17,410
Praying in a home that was built using an interest-based loan
- 14,055
Ruling on exchanging a large piece of land for another that is smaller but closer to the city?
- 12,238
Amaanah financing from HSBC
- 34,366
Working in an audit firm reviewing accounts which involve riba, insurance and taxes