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Calling non-Muslims to Islam
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The Muslim Woman
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Ramadaan Q&AView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 9
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Belief in the Last Day
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Water gets in his nose when he washes his face during wudu
45,734Does a Shower Count as Wudu?
It is recommended for a Muslim to do wudu before ghusl following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). If the shower is done to cool down or to clean oneself, then it does not count as wudu (if wudu is not done before or after it).300,038Do We Have to Wash Our Feet in Wudu?
What must be done in Wudu is washing the feet; it is not sufficient to wipe them. But the Sunnah shows that one may wipe over the feet only when wearing leather slippers or socks, subject to the conditions that are well known in the Sunnah.128,006Does Drinking Camel Milk Invalidate Your Wudu?
Most of the scholars are of the view that it is not obligatory to do Wudu after drinking camel’s milk.37,565Is Wiping Neck in Wudu Obligatory?
It is not recommended to wipe the neck during Wudu because there is no proof of that from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).74,373How to Wipe the Head in Wudu
There are two ways of wiping the head in Wudu: 1- After wetting the hands in water, you place them at the front of the head and wipe the head until you reach the back of the head, then you bring them back to the front of the head. 2- Wiping the whole head, but in the direction of the hair only, so that the hair is not changed or messed up.115,213When to Make Intention for Wudu
It is better to form the intention when starting to do Wudu or shortly before, so that the intention will cover all parts of Wudu. What is obligatory is to have the intention when starting to do the obligatory parts of Wudu.41,023Wiping over dressings that have been placed on wounds
9,130Can You Do Wudu with Oil in Your Hair?
If a person uses cream or oil on the parts of the body washed during Wudu, the oil either remains solid, in which case it must be removed before doing Wudu. But if the oil is not solid, the person should make sure that he passes his hand over the part of the body in question, because usually the oil repels water, so the water may not reach all areas of the part of the body being washed.94,226Saying Bismillah before Wudu: Essential?
If a Muslim does wudu and does not say Bismillah, then his wudu is valid, but he is missing out on the reward for doing this Sunnah. To be on the safe side, the Muslim should not omit saying Bismillah before wudu.96,210