Da'eef (weak) hadiths
- 38,942
Expression Said When Leg Becomes Numb
- 84,889
Is it proven that ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote a letter to the Nile in Egypt so that its water would flow by Allah’s leave?
- 16,466
A fabricated hadeeth: “The sleep of the scholar is better than the worship of the ignorant”
- 37,088
Virtue of Praying in a Turban
- 63,738
Holding Back of the Sun Until Adhan Was Called
- 36,086
Is there a hadith which forbids hanging out children’s and infants’ clothes (on a washing line) after the sun sets?
- 20,823
Ahaadeeth which speak of reciting verses from Soorat al-Hashr, al-Dukhaan and al-Baqarah
Is Reciting Surat Al-Qadr after Wudu Legislated?
There is no Shar`i basis for reciting Surat Al-Qadr after Wudu and there is nothing in the Sunnah of the Prophet to suggest this.37,248Is Salatul Tasbih Legislated?
The correct opinion is that Salatul Tasbih is not sunnah (from the prophetic teachings), and that the hadith about it is weak for several reasons which are detailed below.412,564- 32,744
Eating Twice a Day is Extravagance: Unauthentic Hadith