Slaughtering according to sharee’ah
- 44,863
Can we eat meat slaughtered by one who does not pray?
- 12,757
She works in a private school and serves meat to children and does not know the ruling on this
- 25,102
His sacrificial animal fell and he slaughtered it before it died; does it still count as a sacrifice?
- 83,166
Condition of saying Bismillaah in order for meat to be halal
- 17,101
Meat slaughtered by one who is junub or menstruating
- 64,051
Can he buy meat from a non-Muslim butcher who says that it is halaal?
- 40,532
What is the ruling on eating local chickens when one does not know how they were slaughtered?
- 104,121
The reason why it is forbidden to eat meat without draining the blood
- 9,215
Meat slaughtered by a mute person
- 7,470
Eating meat slaughtered by a person who has moved from one kaafir religion to another kaafir religion