Travel: Etiquette and Rulings
How to Pray Witr If You Combine Maghrib with Isha
Travelling is a reason which permits the four-Rak`ah prayers to be shortened to two Rak`ah. The traveller may pray Witr after praying `Isha with Maghrib and praying them at the time of Maghrib.46,637Is Combining Prayers when Travelling Permissible?
1- It is permissible to combine Dhuhr and `Asr prayers, and Maghrib and `Isha’, for one who is travelling. It is also permissible for any traveller to combine prayers whether he has made a stop or is on the road. 2- It is permissible to pray `Asr in the train whilst sitting according to the majority of scholars if you cannot pray standing.245,070Can Women Travel to Seek Knowledge without a Mahram?
It is not permissible for a woman to travel to seek knowledge without a Mahram. She should acquire the knowledge that she needs in the many ways that are available such as listening to tapes, asking scholars over the phone and other means that Allah has made available in these times.90,573Can You Pray in the Car?
Praying in cars, planes, trains or other means of conveyance, is not permissible unless there should be the fear that the time for the obligatory prayer will end before reaching your destination and it should not be possible to get off and pray on the ground.242,571Can You Combine Prayers before Travelling?
1- It is permissible for the person who is not travelling to combine two prayers if it will be too difficult for him to perform the second prayer on time. 2- It is permissible for you to bring `Asr forward and pray it with Zuhr in your home city if you think it most likely that you will not be able to pray it on time because of travelling.186,671- 18,932
If he has a wet dream whilst travelling and is not able to do ghusl
Islamic Etiquettes During Travel
Some of the etiquettes of travelling in Islam include: • Consulting those whose religious commitment, experience and knowledge you trust about travelling at that time. • Seeking Allah’s guidance by praying Istikharah • Seeking to please your parents • Ensuring that your funds are lawfully earned and free from any suspicion • Seeking a companion who desires good and hates evil • Bidding farewell to your family, neighbours, friends and all your loved ones • Saying the reported Du`a when leaving your house • Setting out at the end of the night • Saying Takbir when going up a rise in the land and saying Tasbih when going down into valleys • Making Du`a most of the time when travelling • Trying to remain in a state of purity and to pray on time50,431- 54,868
Can she travel without a mahram to visit her parents?
Du`a To Protect Travellers
We do not know of any specific Du`a in the Sunnah for protecting a traveller until he returns to his family safe and sound.89,650- 135,683
Should a traveller offer the prayers in shortened form in his house or pray in congregation in the mosque?